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1 八年级下册词形变化 第五单元 1 disappoint 使失望 disappionted disappionting 失望的 disappiontment 失望 2 excite excited exciting 兴奋的 3 interest 兴趣 interested interesting 有趣的 4 worry 担心 worried worrying 担心的 5 live 居住 lively 充满趣味的 6 paint 用油漆 painting 油画 7 feel 感到 feeling 感觉 8 usual 平常的 usually 通常地 9 love 爱 lovely 可爱的 lover 热爱者 10 help 帮助 helpful 有帮助的 helpless 无帮助的 11 use 使用 useful 有用的 useless 无用的 12 old 老的 旧的 older 更旧的 更老的 elder 年长的 13 sad 悲伤的 sadness 忧伤 sadly 悲伤地 14 speak 讲 说 speech 演讲 15 pride 骄傲 proud 自豪的 16 special 特别的 specially 特别地 especially 尤其 17 confident 自信的 confidence 自信的 18 silence 沉默 silent 沉默寡言 19 decide 决定 decision 决定 20 difficult 困难的 difficulty 困难 21 fair 公平的 unfair 不公平的 第六单元 fort 使 舒服 comfortable 舒服的 23 Canada 加拿大 Canadian 加拿大的 加拿大人 24 mean 意思 meaning 意义 meaningful 有意义的 25 slow 慢的 slowly 慢地 26 sad 伤心的 sadly 伤心地 sadness 悲伤 27 pollute 污染 pollution 污染 28 agree 同意 disagree 不同意 disagreement 同意 29 France 法国 French 法国人 法语 法国人的 30 center 中心 central 中心的 31 win 获胜 winner 获胜者 32 break 弄坏 broken 破损的 33 die 死 death 死亡 dead 死的 34 safe 安全的 safely 安全地 safety 安全 第七单元 35 west 西方 western 西方的 36 south 南方 southern 南方的 37 east 东方 eastern 东方的 38 north 北方 northern 北方的 39 polite 有礼貌的 politely 有礼貌地 impolite 没有礼貌的 2 40 noise 噪音 noisy 啥闹的 noisily 吵闹地 41 quiet 安静的 quietly 安静地 42 health 健康 healthy 健康的 healthily 健康地 43 light 轻轻的 lightly 轻轻地 44 fry 用油煎 fried 油炸的 45 success 成功 successful 成功的 successfully 成功地 succeed 成功 46 educate 教育 education 教育 第八单元 47 suit 适合 suitable 合适的 48 say 说 saying 谚语 49 mean 意思 meaning 含义 50 correct 正确的 correctly 正确地 51 day 天 daily 日常的 52 Asia 亚洲 Asian 亚洲人 亚洲的 53 beauty 美丽 beautiful 美丽的 beautifully 漂亮地 54 choose 选择 choice 抉择 55 副词的比较级和最高级 early earlier earliest hard harder hardest fast faster fastest long longer longest well better best late later latest badly worse worst successful more successful most successful healthily more healthily most healthily carefully more carefully most carefully noisily more noisily most noisily slowly more slowly most slowly lightly more lightly most lightly 完成以下练习 1 Michael is becoming more and more interest in Chinese culture 2 I love the opera Cats It s so fun 3 He looks excite What happened to him 4 This is a story about a poor boy live in a village 5 I always feel happy when I see my son s smile faces to me 6 This feel makes him upset all day and night 7 He is ill today but he got up as early as usually 8 She is a love girl We all like her 9 Do be a help person my father always says to me 10 Did someone let you go the teacher asked angrily 11 Mother lets Michael not watch TV all day because the final exam is coming 12 I think this is a wrong decide so don t plan to do it 13 He has a lot of trouble work out the problems 14 We hope see him be happy again 15 I saw some boys play basketball when I passed the gym 16 The police told the students not play on the road 17 His speech was fantastic We are pride of him 18 Success gives us a sence of happy 19 Think over the problem before you make a decide Then you will deal with it well 20 You d better not tell Tim now Let s give him a surprised 21 They plan have a rest after a long journey 3 22 The conditions in the hotel will make you feel comfort 23 travel by car is very pleasant 24 It took us half an hour find out the cost by train 25 Why don t we put on a show raise money for the children in poor areas 26 How about going camp this weekend That s a good idea 27 When you go to a new place you should remember the direct 28 My sister was angry with me because I step on her new shoes 29 Tom is looking forward to receive his father s letter because his father works far away 30 There Chairman Mao announced the found of the People s Republic of China in 1949 31 Cycling is popular because it doesn t cause air pollute 32 David was so care that he made many mistakes 33 Wang Junfeng was the win of 800 meter race 34 Water pollute is more serious than before 35 She stays in a small hotel near the center park 36 There are four main role in Beijing Opera 37 When the flood broke out the policeman took the baby to the safe 38 Computer games are more and more interesting I agree with you I think we shouldn t play too much 39 There are many advantage of riding bicycles 40 My dear daughter I have some exciting news tell you 41 We had great fun expore the National Museum yesterday 42 The man is so worry about his son s illness 43 The children couldn t help talk after the teacher went out 44 The boys are busy prepare for their football match 45 Riding a bike can save more time than walk 46 He was so careful that he made many mistakes in the exam 47 Would you like to have some Russia black bread It s famous 48 Many children like fast food like fry chicken 49 This dictionary is very help in learning English 50 You must set the table before the dinner begins 51 My task is to make a post for the food festival 52 The tea is too strong You need add some more water slowly 53 In parts of India people use their finger to pick up the food 54 In the south part of China people usually like eating rice 55 We all know that America is a west country 56 An India came to visit our school yesterday 57 Thank you for invite me to your party 58 It s bad for your health if you always have quickly breakfasts 59 Ladies and gentleman Welcome here on this sunny day 60 Please give my best wish to your parents 61 It s good manners for the guest to arrive on time 62 Jenny will get up early than usual in order to catch the first bus 4 63 Lisa works much hard than anyone else in our class 64The book is well worth read you can t miss it 65 It s necessary for us to eat regular 66 My parents often eat vegetables and other health food 67 After a short rest he seemed to be tired than before 68 cook is fun and I love it very much 69 Help you to some chicken soup kids 70 China success in sending Shen Zhou 10 into space on July 11th 2013 71 Many great doctors finished the task success during the outbreak 72 If you want to be slim please eat more vegetables and less meat 73 It s important for you to help people choose suit clothing 74 The pink T shirt makes the girl live and easy going 75 As the old say goes Time waits for no man 76 Kang Wei is interview a firefighter 77 It is true that people should dress correct 78 Computers are more and more useful in our day life 79 Today few people wear kimonos except on special occasions like marriage and national celebrate 80 The Tang costume is know to many other countries now 81 The dolphin show is very attract so many people want to watch it 82 Think it over before making an important choose 83 marry is an event 大事 during everyone s life 84 The same color may have different meaning in different countries 85 Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 is a tradition festival in China 86 My father is thinking about how deal with the old computer 87 You shouldn t check person letters without agreement 88 The room with air conditioning is very comfort 60 I m worried about the safe of the activity 61 The police took the visitors to safe place at once 62 How are you feel now Much better 63 I want to live as happy as you do 64 lady and gentlemen I have some exciting news to tell you 65 Not only he but also Kate be a student 66 Our teacher told us that light travel faster than sound 67 It is necessary for students get up early and go to bed early 68 Everyone in my class llikes Harry beause he always talks to others polite 69 It s polite to leave as soon as you finish eating in China 70 It s polite to speak loudly at the table in western countries 71 I can t really wait listen it beause it is so wonderful 72 Tom did his homework careful than Tim 73 The teachers told us listen carefully in class 74 The children sell the newspaper raise money


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